Welcome to Curlew Cam!
The Curlew Cam chicks have left the nest. The chicks feed themselves, guarded by the adults from the moment they arrive and leave the nest. To see a final update from the Project Manager click here.
The live nest camera was brought to you from Curlew Country based in Shropshire and Wales. We are a small, independent organisation carrying out action-focused Curlew recovery. To learn more about our ground-breaking work please click here, and to read a bit more about Curlew Cam and its history click here.
Please help to save the Curlew by supporting our award-winning work, partnering farmers and local communities to deliver real conservation benefits on the ground.
Find out how you can support our work here.
Our thanks go to Chris New from SWS Broadband and Peter Dobson at Carnyx Wild for their help to get Curlew Cam up and running again this year.